Sunday, September 21, 2008

link to the video of the open house

as i promised you, this is the link for the java open house that took place last week. I would like to thank to all the participents that come to this lecture and i hope to see you next time.
bye bye.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

open house about java threads


in the 17.9 i will give a lecture in Sela about java threads.

more information and registration at

In this lecture i will try to focus about issues that hidden to the common programmer.

in the lecture i will talk about:

thread life cycle

thread groups

thread perofrmence

thread utilities

thread design pattern.

the lecture will be recorded and will be published in the site.

the lecture will look something like:

the lecture will be in hebrew.

Since i have a lot of material and probably two hours will not be enough, i will put the rest of the material in my blog.

below you can find the brocure for this open house.